Welcome to BPMusic,

here you'll find more than just music!

I'm glad you found me. If you don't know me yet, take your time and get to know me better in the next sections and subpages. For all the others, the long promised update in the newsletter is there. As used to from the old layouts, here the "very last" news and further comfortable possibilities to stay up to date without social media around my music:

[18.11.2023] Techno Lieben & Leben Livestream @ Twitch
[14.10.2023] Clubnight @ Base, Sinzig
[26.08.2023] Techno Lieben & Leben Livestream @ Twitch

Since my first own website in the middle of the 2000s and the exclusive focus on music, which can also be found in the domain and company name, my personal development has been evident, again and again in my self-developed website. So also my work focus was not spared and this is now with web and cloud solution development. At the beginning of 2010 there were still a few hours per week for small customers, but in 2013 a full-time employee was created and since 2018 I have been available daily for my customers. But if you think that 2010 is a bit late, the first programming experiences in Basic I made already in 1987 on the family owned C-64, one year after I started to learn my first musical instrument. In 1990 I had unrestricted access to the first PC and from 1996 on to the "Neuland" Internet, which had been called by the government since 2013, which inevitably led to the first HTML, later CSS and JS experiences. What became meanwhile from it, beautiful that you have not jumped off yet.

Important news and international events are written in English, otherwise in German. This applies also to the newsletter and Telegram group.

Here you can find my availability status for web development projects:

This is usually set to "not available". You can always find out the planned time and change of the status here in an extra mailer, if you are interested in my availability.

For more informations, but also references to the development and of course music I wish you a lot of fun on the subpages! If something still remains unclear, if you want to book me for an event, if you have noticed a DSGVO | GDPR | article 11/13/17 | other offence or an explicit word in one of my podcast episodes, here is the contact form.

That's what it's supposed to be from me here.

Yours sincerely,
Benjamin Pietzner Updated: 04/2020